Get your ECU tuning file

In just a few easy steps

1. Upload or Search

Drag & Drop upload for automatic search of available remaps and options.

Upload your original file or ID and view all the remaps and options available for that file. or request a complete custom remap.

2. Custom remap

Order power remap as Stage 1, Stage 2 or ECO remap and receive tuning file in 20 minutes!

Dyno tested power and ECO ECU and TCU files for bikes, cars, trucks, tractors and marine vehicles. DPF, EGR, SCR Off solutions.

3. Quick and secure payment

Enter your basic details and pay with one click by Paypal, credit cards or via bank transfer and download your remap file.

All our payments are processed encrypted via our payment processor Mollie Netherlands. Your payment data is not visible to us.

Looking for a flashing tool?

Get ERC Tuner Kit and kickstart your business!

Discover the ultimate package for your business expansion at ERC!
Whether you’re introducing new services or upgrading your toolset, or if you’re a professional tuning workshop aiming to expand your network, we have the perfect solution!

Choose from our wide range of industry-leading ECU tuning tools and accessories available in our tuning tools WEBSHOP.

OBD & Bench / Boot


Includes suitcase, all accessories and one year of subscription
+ 1200€ bonus for tuning files!
+ Free delivery in EU!
ERC Tuner Kit

OBD & Bench / Boot


Includes suitcase and all accessories for OBD and Bench work
+ 1200€ bonus for tuning files!
+ Free delivery in EU!
ERC Tuner Kit

Want to tune your own car?

Get a flashing device and reflash your car's ECU yourself!

Discover the ultimate package for tuning your own private car, bike or tractor*. With a simple plug and play device** flash your car through on-board diagnostic port (OBD) in just a few minutes.

Our plug and play flasher allows you to read original file from the ECU and save up to 5 different remaps. This allows you to change remaps with different characteristics or return the car to the original state.

Purchase a complete kit incuding device, OBD cable and tuning credits for ordering remap for your car, bike and tractor.

* Contact us first for a compatibility check on [email protected]
** Laptop required for transfering of files to the device

Do we offer a guarantee?

Limited Remap Warranty​

We guarantee the proper functioning of the remap and increase in power and torque following the reprogramming, provided that the engine is in good condition and that the maintenance has been carried out in due time. However, in the very rare scenario when a fault exists within the software, and can be identified to be due a specific issue inherent within the supplied calibration itself we offer a Limited remap warranty.

If reported within a period of 30 days after the delivery of the purchased file, ECU Remap Center will offer the customer revised software to resolve the fault or return an equivalent amount in digital tokens to the clients account that can be reused for future purchases. A refund is possible only in digital tokens that can be used to purchase services on 

How to claim?

Log in to your ERC account, locate the project you need support for and use the support request from your ERC project directly. In case of any issue please contact us at [email protected] and please note the  project ID. 

Product availability

ERC guarantees that the purchased product will be available, at the latest, within 60 min after the payment. The usual file delivery time is 20-30min. Clients can download the purchased file for 30 days after the purchase and it is the responsibility of the client to store the purchased original or remapped files.